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Mibrams Ventures is a Private multifaceted Venture by Guarantee and engaged in the business of Cell sites acquisition for telecom tower installation, relevant statutory permits, Soil Testing and replacement of Aviation lights which are one of the foremost and a very important aspect of telecom network development process. We are also actively engaged in assisting institutions in acquisition of statutory permits such as Land acquisition, EPA permit and Renewals, Fire permit, Aviation permit, building permits, and Radiation permit.

The above notwithstanding, the current trend of events in the business world dictates that corporate bodies concentrate on their core business operations and delegate those other duties that do not fall directly in line with the purpose for which they were established. It is in this regards that Mibrams Ventures applies to be considered for the award of contract to acquire and obtain requisite regulatory permits, Technical Site Survey and installation of mobile mast, and Civil and building engineering works.

We have in our employment engineers, draughts men, surveyors, planners etc all with the requisite skill and knowledge to execute all the above-mentioned functions of the company to the satisfaction of our clients. This notwithstanding, we would not hesitate to employ any kind and quantity of persons that may be required for a specific client requirement.

Our unique ability to comprehend client needs and our successful track record in negotiating terms on behalf of multi nationals such as Ghana Limited Millicom Ghana Limited, Scancom Ghana Limited, ATC Ghana Limited, Airtel Ghana Limited and Vodafone Ghana Limited either directly or indirectly as sub-agents through other equally recognized entities as Ericsson Ghana Limited and Reime Ghana Limited make us an invaluable partner in the telecom service delivery market.

Mission Statement

Mibrams shall be engaged in the provision of swift, efficient yet most affordable client centered service delivery in contributing to the overall societal development.


Our company is a construction company and the following works are within our scope.

  1. The construction and maintenance of Roads
  2. The construction and maintenance of Buildings
  3. The construction of Telecom Civil works
  4. The construction of water and sanitation works e.g. cold water pipe laying, sewer pipe works, water and sewer tanks, underground and overhead water tanks and other related civil works.
  5. Statutory permits acquisition
  • Engineering And Building Works
  1. Roads
    Under this component, we undertake
    i) New roads construction
    ii) Routine maintenance of roads i.e. Pothole patching, blading, clearing, filling, desilting and cleaning of culverts and bridge maintenance.
    iii)  Periodic maintenance i.e. reshaping, spot improvement, resealing resurfacing, gravelling etc.
  2. Buildings
    We undertake the construction of buildings i.e. residential, commercial, shops, market stores and stalls. Also in this category are warehouse, estate development and other related structure.
  3. Telecom Civil Works
    Another area that our company has performed creditably is the area of telecommunication civil and cable works – this involves the construction of different types of manholes and hand holes as well as erection of telecom towers and installation of Aerial and underground cables from 200 pairs to 10 pairs. These products are designed and fabricated in line with the technical, scientific and compact design specifications of the industry. We also conduct Soil testing, radiation testing and EPA screening
  • Telecom site acquisition.
  1. Site Search
  • Scouting/surveying with given nominal geographical coordinates for locations suitable for cell site development;
  • Preparing Site Acquisition Candidates Reports on potential candidates for client’s vetting and selection;
  1. Lease Execution
  • Investigation of title to land and determination appropriate title documentation to request from property owners as proof of title;
  • Preparation of site plan on behalf of client;
  • Lease negotiation and coordination of the execution of between property owners and client;
  1. Permit Acquisition
  • Participation in Technical Site Surveys from which site design drawings are prepared;
  • Acquisition of Non-ionization radiation protection assessment certificate from the Atomic Protection Institute;
  • Acquisition of air safety certificate from the Ghana Civil Aviation Authority;
  • Organizing neighbourhood consultation forum where neighbours’ views are sampled;
  • Acquisition of Environmental Permit from the Environmental Protection Agency;
  • Acquisition of Development and Building Permit, from the metropolitan, municipal and district assemblies.

3) Acquisition of Statutory Permits

  • EPA Permit and Renewals: Acquisition of Environmental Permit from the Environmental Protection Agency;
  • Building Permit: Acquisition of Development and Building Permit, from the metropolitan, municipal and district assemblies.
  • Fire Permit and Renewals: Acquisition of fire permits, which includes compulsory Fire insurance cover indicated under section 183 of insurance Act 724, 2006.
  • Land acquisition, documentation and registration:
  • Aviation permits acquisition: Acquisition of air safety certificate from the Ghana Civil Aviation Authority.
  • Radiation permit: Acquisition of Non-ionization radiation protection assessment certificate from the Atomic Protection Institute.

Project Financing

Basically the company sources of finance for its projects stem from its capital cash with support from:

Bank loans

  1. Mobilization from clients
  2. Interim payment certificates


  • Stanbic bank
  • Fidelity bank

2.2 Reporting/Monitoring Methods: 

We constantly interact with our clients through the following mediums:

  • Emails
  • Phone calls
  • Periodic (weekly/monthly/daily) updates as client may require
  • Meetings/interviews
  • Hand deliveries of invoices and correspondences

2.3 Evaluation Methods

We wish that our service deliveries be monitored and evaluated with the following three parameters:

  • Time: Time lapse between a successful work order time and work delivering time compared with service delivery time-matrix that shall be agreed upon.
  • Quality: Percentage of project completed without work stoppages resulting from flaws in either structural development or mobilization of facility towards the project and related issues, 100% being the ultimate.
  • Savings: Cost saving approach will be engaged in order to ensure funds are fully utilized to meet the ultimate demand of the project, 100% being the ultimate.


Postal Address
P.O. Box KIA 30364, KIA – Accra


Contact Information

Author Info

Tina Boateng

Member since 5 years ago
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